Thursday, May 17, 2007

recipe for a president

I've never really been one to follow politics very closely. Not until these last few months, that is. I've known of third parties, but never really took them seriously. I more or less viewed them as an option for those who couldn't decide between Democrat and Republican. That was until I came to know this asshole! :-) Lee introduced me to the Libertarian Party and opened my eyes to a world of better politics. I am now taking a more active role in knowing and understanding the way our government works and how it was actually intended to work! No, I haven't fully converted, and I don't intend to do so until I have done all of my research and feel 110% sure that this is the party for me, though I am about 96.3% there!

Unfortunately, too many people who would normally want to vote third party tend to jump on the two-party bandwagon because they are afraid that their vote will be wasted. But what better way to waste your vote than on a candidate who doesn't represent what you want to see in government!?! With that said, the road to third-party rule has been, and will continue to be, a rough and rocky one. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Now, I'm normally against many things Republican (and I'm beginning to hate many things Democrat), but Ron Paul seems to be the ONLY 2008 Presidential Candidate that:

1) has a strong anti-war policy (something that is very important to me),
2) has consistently voted against the Patriot Act,
3) is against the Department of Homeland Security,
4) aims to abolish the IRS and income tax by cutting the funding for many Federal agencies, as well as cutting unnecessary agencies altogether (no more welfare state!), and
5) is pro-life but doesn't feel that it is an issue the Federal Government should decide upon but the one for the individual states to do so. And though I feel that it isn't an issue that any government should be able to decide upon, at least it's a start.

Oh, and did I mention that he once ran for President under the Libertarian banner in 1988!?!

More articles pertaining to the wonderful Ron Paul!

~ steph

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